Our mission does not directly involve community service but it is one of our main goals and concerns. Most companies only care about what is going on inside their business; but we, as heart felt people, care about what is going on around us in our community. That is why we are so proud of our employees and all their willingness to volunteer.
During every Monday morning meeting, each employee shares with the company one thing that they have done for their community during the previous week. All of the employees enjoy doing this and compete with each other to see who had the best volunteer experience that week. If an employee does not have something to share that they have done, the rest of the employees usually give them a hard time ; in result it makes them work harder for the next week. This is definitely a time that everyone looks forward to. Some of the things that our employees have done to help out are
- Donating to The Salvation Army, Breast Cancer Awareness Fund, The Ronald McDonald House, The Goodwill, Henry Clay Band Boosters, The Haven for Animal Rescuing, Habitat for Humanity, as well as many more organizations.
- Helping elderly people pay for groceries
- Hosting a can drive for local churches
- Helping Winburn Middle School football team clean up the field after a game
- Helping out at the Halfway House
- Donating Blood
- Giving money or supplies to homeless
- Fostering Animals
- Volunteering for Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts Activities
- Employees went to Southland Christian Church to package food for their “Feed Our Starving Children” Campaign.
This past Christmas was a very blessed season for A&J Mechanical Services. All of the employees chipped in and we “adopted a family” for Christmas. Everyone did their part in extending a helping hand to them for the holidays. Our employees donated money, toys, clothes, and food. We wrapped tons of presents and made stockings for the children. For a family gift, we purchased a Nintendo Wii console and accessories in hopes that would bring hours of togetherness and family fun. We also provided the groceries, including a huge turkey, for their Christmas dinner. This brought smiles to not only the family, but every A&J employee involved.
We have been happy carrying Luxaire products not only because of their quality, but also because of their partnership with the Make-A Wish program. This partnership means each purchase of a piece of Luxaire equipment donates a portion of the sale to enabling the wishes of children in the community.
We are also proud to be nominated for the Lexington Athena award, which supports the Kentucky Junior Miss Program and other women’s organizations. It is an extreme honor for a male business owner like Richard Howard to receive this recognition , as the Athena Award is focused on the advancement of women and shows his continued support for women in the workplace and the community.
As well, for the second year in a row, A&J Mechanical Services has been nominated for the Republic Bank’s “We CARE” award. Last year we were a finalist and hope to make it even farther this year. This award is given to companies who do not have to- but choose to give back to their community. All companies are judged on the quantity of time and materials the company donates, the impact the volunteer work has on the community, and the sustainability of the company’s volunteer plan. We are very grateful that members of our community nominated us for this award. It’s not the reason we do it, but it is a wonderful feeling getting recognition for outstanding commitment to our community. The name of the award says it all – at A&J we really do care.
We also have placques that adorn our wall here recognizing us for giving to different organizations. We have received appreciation from The Special Olympics of Kentucky, The ARC, and The Lexington Rescue Mission.
As we plan more volunteer and service work for the upcoming year, we hope that you will support us by keeping up with our activity and news, which we will be keeping updated right here.